Modules tagged with 'analog'

Picture of CM_AI

The Analog Input AOI Control Module is used to condition analog input signals into usable values for indication, control, and/or alarming by components of the PLC program or other systems (HMI, MES, etc.) Note: Programmed followed ISA88, ISA95 and ISA106 Standard

35.00 (CAD)
Picture of CM_AO

The Analog Output AOI Control Module is used to condition an engineering unit analog output value into the proper range for analog output modules and devices. Note: Programmed followed ISA88, ISA95 and ISA106 Standard

30.00 (CAD)
Picture of Analog_Input_Scaled

Scales analog input

25.00 (CAD)
Picture of Function Norm
Function Norm

This module converts an analog value to its exponent (i.e exp + mantissa).

25.00 (CAD)
Picture of AnalogFB

This module provide analog scaling and alarming for an input with an raw value of 0-27648 (4-20 ma).

25.00 (CAD)
Picture of Analog Module
Analog Module

The module scales the raw input to the Engineering Range and creates High High, High, Low and Low Low alarms.

25.00 (CAD)