The module determines the day of the year and presents the value as a string.
This AOI is to be used in order to monitor and check for any Data interruption between the MAIN CPU and the selected connected MODULE.
reads the PLC date and returns a value from 1 to 7 as an integer value for the day of the week
The module provides On-Off control based on 2 setpoints.
This module records the number of events in a 1 hour period.
This module is used to interface the data read from and written to a E3Plus Relay using DeviseNet.\
This module is used to condition the status of a Motor Operated Valve.
The module provides an alarm bypass function for Analog and discrete inputs.
This module provides simplified PID control where the additional functions provided with the advanced PID block are not required.
This module alters the Daylight Saving Time setting of the PLC.
This module allow for the run time value of a piece of equipment (e.g. pump) to be recorded for a maximum of 3 shifts.
This AOI reads the current time/date and also allows the PLC clock to be updated.